Friday, 28 September 2012

Writing Reflection #3

Six word memoirs

      Last week in class we worked on our six word memoirs. I found writing six word memoirs are rather easy to do, if you get a good topic its really easy create a lot of them. I chose to go for solitary confinement by the windows in the corner of the school. I chose to go sit alone because its easier to think about my writing when I am alone. It makes it feel like the pressure to write well is off my shoulders. The Pros of doing six word memoirs are you don't have to be the best creative writing, you literally just have to pick six words and that's it. It's a rather simple writing style out of the very many that are out there. The Cons of six word memoirs are that you have to be able to get your point across in very short form. I think you must have a type of creative side to be able to come up with many of them. The most rewarding part of the six word memoirs was when we got to put the words to a picture. It was cool to look through tons of my photos and find the very best ones that went with my six word memoirs. 


       So far blogging for me I think is going very well, I always thought the idea of having my own blog would be fun, but never really got around to it all. I find the hardest part of blogging is trying to keep my post interesting. I am always afraid my post will suck, and people will stop coming back to read more. I think for the upcoming week I will challange myslef to add more posts to the blog and to really step up my writing skills as much as possible.

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